Delivery Information

Which courier companies do you use?

We use several courier companies depending on the type of delivery service you have requested and the area that your order is being delivered to. We currently use DHL , Fedex , Cargo Services By Air and By Sea and Pakistan Post Office. The courier will vary based on your location and delivery method selected at the checkout.

What countries do you deliver to?

We offer the option to deliver to any country in the world, however there may be times when the size of your order and unforeseen circumstances mean we cannot deliver to you. We will however let you know if this is the case and try to find another option.

Receipt and signature

All deliveries must be received in person at the delivery address, and a signature must be provided.

Our delivery service providers may notify you by SMS / email in advance of attempting to make a delivery.


Additional deliveries and collection

If an initial delivery attempt is unsuccessful, our delivery service providers will make one further attempt to deliver your products.

If the second delivery attempt is unsuccessful, our delivery service providers will leave a card at your address, with instructions on how you may collect your product. Such instructions will include a time limit for collection.

Please note that we are not responsible for returned items and charges will be levied for repostage or refunds for the return charge by the couriers.